The Church & Ministry Committee customarily meets on the third Wednesday of the month, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, excepting July and December. In-person meetings offer a zoom option; some meetings are held by zoom only. The current Chairperson is Rev. Marcia Charles (
Current committee members(2024): Rev. Marcia Charles, Barbara Stevens, Gregory Moulton, Rev. Christine Dyke, Rev. Joe Connolly, Rev. Debbie Duval, Christine Shesler, Rev. Stephen Carnahan, Bea Brockman, Rev. Sharon Rankin, Rev. Steve Savage, and Harry Marsters, plus ex officio members Cumberland Association Moderator Rev. Diane Bennekamper, Vice Moderator John Terison, and Clerk Rev. Kelli Whitman.
Some resources you may find useful:
- See the Home Page for the latest Supply Preachers listing.
- Applications for scholarship assistance for pastors and Members In Discernment
- The 2024 Maine Conference Clergy Compensation Guidelines (download or print .pdf)
- The Call Agreement Work Book is available from United Church Resources for $2.50. “Preparing for a new pastor? Writing a pastoral job description to begin your search? Let the Call Agreement Workbook help your congregation discern what type of pastor you hope to find, how much time you envision the position needing, and how best to outline benefits.”
- A Sure Foundation: Resources for the Relationship Between Pastors and Congregations, also from United Church Resources, $5. “From best practices for annual reviews, to creative ideas for sabbaticals, to ethical boundaries in social media, to the creation of a Pastoral Relations Committee, and more, A Sure Foundation supports the healthy ministries of both pastor and congregation.”
- Manual on Ministry – A Guide to Authorizing Ministry in the United Church of Christ (2018 Edition), also available from United Church Resources, $25, spiral bound.