…from the Dean of the Maine School of Ministry—
Rev. Dr. Malcolm Himschoot
The Maine School of Ministry runs five classes a year for anyone who wants to learn more about theology, including the heritage, practices, and possibilities of Christian faith. Our classes are taught by passionate practitioners and scholars of ministry, with experience across the globe and around the state.
Upcoming Courses & Offerings
Spring Semester 2025: Introduction to Islam, a global religions course taught by Aida Mansoor, and Building Up a Thriving World: Applied Ethics for Christian Churches, taught by Anne Dunlap. The above are Zoom classes offered from February to May. The course on Islam also involves in-person field trips to connect with Maine’s Muslim communities. Tuition fee for each course is $350. Scholarship assistance may be available from both the Cumberland Association and the Maine School of Ministry.
For more information, go to maineucc.org/mesom/